All the latest news from us

Nia’s success story


Congratulations are in order for Nia, our Translator, who has successfully joined the Association of Welsh Translators and Interpreters following an exam which put her translation skills to the test in October 2023.

Nia joined us as a Translator in November 2021 and has since enjoyed much success at Bla. Reflective of her strong linguistic skills, we are pleased to say that Nia has now been promoted to a Senior Translator level at Bla.

She’s already started 2024 with a bang after it was announced that Nia scored the highest mark throughout Wales in the October 2023 Association of Welsh Translators and Interpreters’ exam. Absolutely fantastic!

Banner with 'Llonyfarchiadau' and clapping illustrated hands

Translation Company of the Year


Alun and Anna attended the Association of Translation Companies’ Conference and Awards Ceremony in September as Bla had been shortlisted for one of the awards.

The Association of Translation Companies (ATC) is the largest association of its kind representing translation companies in the UK and beyond. Bla has held professional membership of the ATC for a number of years now and it’s a brilliant platform for like-minded linguists – many of whom we had the pleasure of meeting at this event.

The impressive Awards Ceremony was held aboard ‘The Jewel of London’ on the Thames. We were treated to stunning views of the bright lights of London, but the real jewel in the crown was winning the main award of the night and being named Translation Company of the Year!

What an incredible achievement and such an unforgettable experience. We are so pleased that our hard work, grit and determination have been recognised on this prestigious platform. Congratulations to our dedicated team of staff and a sincere thank you to our clients who turn to us time and time again! We are beaming with pride.

Watch this space!

Alun and Anna accept the translation company of the year award

New accreditation for Bla


It is all go here at Bla Translation HQ as we announce our success in being awarded the formal ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ accreditation from the Welsh Language Commissioner.

As a translation company, the Welsh language is a fundamental aspect of our lives and livelihood. What this particular accreditation demonstrates is our unwavering commitment to our beautiful native language and bilingualism in business in Wales!

Some of our clients have already embarked on this ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ journey, and have also been recognised by the Commissioner, and so we’d like to congratulate you all! We’re so proud to be part of your Welsh journey, we genuinely love working with our clients.

If you would like further information with regards to the ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ and how we at Bla may help you along that journey, feel free to contact Anna via

Cynnig Cymraeg Logo

Birthday bash for Bla


We have had a period of reflection and celebration at Bla HQ on the proud occasion of our tenth year in business!

Alun developed the business from his spare room and he now employs ten local people, providing services to a whole host of clients in Wales and beyond.

Celebrating a decade in business is an amazing achievement, especially so considering the challenges we have all faced in recent times, such as COVID-19.

Our thanks go to every single one of our lovely clients, whom we have forged great working relationships and friendships with over the years – we simply couldn’t have done it without you!

Cheers to ten years!

The Bla team holding glasses of champagne

Ffion passes with flying colours


Congratulations are in order for our Finance Officer, Ffion, on passing her AAT Level 3 course! The hard work and commitment she has shown during her studies have most certainly paid off and we’re so pleased for her. What a pleasure it is seeing our staff develop. Top job, Ffion!

Banner with 'Llonyfarchiadau' and clapping illustrated hands

Success for Elan


Congratulations to Elan, our Translator, for passing the Association of Welsh Translators and Interpreters’ exam. Fantastic, Elan, well done!

Elan - Translator at Bla

Gŵyl Cefni


After much anticipation, a fantastic weekend was had by all at this year’s Gŵyl Cefni. What a lovely experience hearing the crowd belting out some Welsh tunes. A pleasure for Bla to sponsor such a successful event on our doorstep – congratulations to all involved!

Main stage at Gŵyl Cefni with lighting effects

Thirsty work


Translating is thirsty work, so this water cooler comes in very handy in our office. Thanks to Gary at Nant y Mynydd for supplying us with fresh, cool and tasty water. We’re ready for a heatwave!

Water cooler



Following a successful recruitment campaign, we’re pleased to announce that a new member has joined our team. A very warm welcome to Guto, who has joined us as a Translator. He will be a great asset to Bla. Congratulations, Guto!

Guto - Translator


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