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Bla's Newsletter

On this page you will find all of our newsletters, which are sent out to our clients regularly. Take a look so that you're sure to be in the know about all things Bla.

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Newsletter July 2024

Read the next edition of our newsletter here to keep abreast of exciting company news!

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Newsletter April 2024

We're pleased to release the first 2024 edition of our newsletter! Take a look here.

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Newsletter September 2023

A special edition to celebrate our 10th year in business! Read more here.

Newsletter Image

Newsletter July 2023

Welcome to our first newsletter!

Take a look by clicking on this link.

Close up of the keys and letters on an old typewriter


Bla Translation Ltd
Town Hall
Bulkeley Square
LL77 7LR

Telephone: 01248 725730
Mobile: 07920 052818
Out of hours and weekends: 07920 052818


Bla Translation team

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