Here's the latest from us

Not as simple as it seems
June 2024

Our latest blog delves into the practice of translation. You may argue that translation is seen as merely converting words from one language into another. True – to an extent. In this blog, we shine a light on our work, the importance of what we do and how it’s not as simple as it seems! Let us show you a real-life example of a request we recently received:

Please can you translate the following?

  • Walk

At first glance, you may think that this is a straight-forward, uncomplicated task. Perhaps you would even be tempted to turn to one of your Welsh-speaking colleagues and shout across the office, “what’s ‘walk’ in Welsh?”, to which you could receive this reply: “cerdded”. It’s only one word. Easy peasy, right? Wrong.

A qualified Translator would look at this request and think of it as a potential atomic bomb. There are so many things that could go wrong linguistically here. Let’s take a look at the questions that would be running through our heads:

  1. Is this a noun? “I’m going for a walk
  2. Perhaps it’s a command? “Get up and walk
  3. Could it the name of a walking route? “Let’s follow Torrens Walk path”
  4. Is there a broader context to this single word? “Join us on this walk tomorrow!”

All of these questions lead to a completely different translation. Thankfully, in this case, our client gave us an explanation of the meaning so that we could provide the most appropriate and fitting translation.

The message here is to always consult a professional Translator! In the same way as you would think twice before performing some home dentistry on yourself, please refrain from completing translations without an expert’s advice and, more importantly, before asking your 'non-Translator but Welsh-speaking' colleague! Doing so exposes your brand at immense risk as it leaves the door wide open for media-worthy errors.

Remember: a poor translation does more damage than no translation at all!

ITI Conference - Edinburgh
June 2024

Our director, Alun, attended the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) conference in beautiful Edinburgh last week. As always it was an opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new professional acquaintances, as well as listening to a wide variety of presentations.

The industry is still intrigued and partly worried by the development of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ technology within the translation profession, but the themes also covered the importance of social media and branding, pricing and rates of pay, and even a session on the challenges of translating swear words to good effect!

'Cynnig Cymraeg' Week
May 2024

Between Monday 13th May and Friday 17th May, we celebrate Cynnig Cymraeg Week! The Cynnig Cymraeg (literal translation: Welsh Offer) is an official accreditation offered by the Welsh Language Commissioner to organisations who have shown a formal commitment to develop the Welsh language and who are proud in their use of the language. Bla was awarded the Cynnig Cymraeg back in September 2023. We know that some of our clients have also embarked on the Cynnig Cymraeg journey, and if you’re also interested in gaining this worthwhile accreditation, then you’re more than welcome to contact us for Welsh translation assistance. Find more details about the Cynnig Cymraeg by clicking here.

We are recruiting
May 2024

Due to continued growth and demand for our services, we are actively recruiting new, enthusiastic members to join our hardworking team. We have the following vacancies:

  • Welsh Translators (permanent, full time preferably but open to discuss with the ideal candidate)
  • Trainee Welsh Translators (1-year contract with the view of appointing as Translator)
  • Business Development Officer (permanent, full time preferably but open to discuss with the ideal candidate)

More information regarding job packages can be sought through Alun: or 01248 725 730.

See here what we offer in return for your hard work at Bla.

Finding the Flavour
May 2024

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is the buzzword of the moment in the global translation industry! With many pro's and con's, it's safe to say that AI is causing somewhat of a stir in the linguist's profession - you either love it or you hate it.

Before choosing your side however, it's important to put AI into context. It may be useful in some cases and a source of nuisance in others perhaps. Click here to read Alun's article published in the ITI bulletin, where he delves a little deeper into the world of AI in translation.

5 benefits of translation services
April 2024

Looking to expand your client base? Perhaps you’re on a mission to strengthen existing relationships? Or maybe you’re working on a campaign to further establish your unique brand?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then you’ve probably considered using a translation practice. Or maybe you haven’t? The importance of translation is often neglected in business, a token gesture or perhaps something for you to consider ‘in the future’ (whenever that is!). The question on our lips is 'is translation really necessary?'.

Well, the answer to that question depends on your goals and aspirations. To help you come to an educated conclusion, let’s take a look at the top 5 benefits of translation services:

  1. EXPANDING BUSINESS – Translation is your fast pass to reaching a wider audience, so that you can expand your client base and communicate with them in their own language, encouraging loyalty which, in turn, inspires returning engagement
  2. CULTURAL AWARENESS – Showing cultural awareness in business is invaluable in order to empathise with your target audience. Good emotional intelligence will help you gain support from new and old clients alike, as well as staff, by respecting their all-important values, traditions and language
  3. CONSISTENCY – Consistency is the key word in translation. This is arguably one of the most important elements in any communication strategy – consistency is vital to deliver clear messages in order to effectively engage with your audience. Don’t make translation a token gesture
  4. ACCURACY – Inaccurate translations can cause more brand damage than not engaging in translation at all! Do yourself a favour, don’t make room for errors. Leave it in the hands of the experts, it’s as simple as that
  5. BRAND STRENGTHENING – Brand reinforcing is a constant challenge in business. Failing to work on your brand means that you’ll be left behind. Translation is essential in this process to provide your clients/audience with a good experience, giving you the competitive edge in your market.

As professional translators, we’ve seen first-hand the real benefits of translation to organisations of all types and sizes. From small charities working in a specific area to large multi-national private companies spanning many countries – the advantages are identical. Our language is our greatest asset, so capitalise on our expertise as linguists to support your mission.

If you are to embrace the 5 benefits of translation outlined above, then translation should be at the top of any agenda or strategy. So, what do you think, is translation really necessary?

For a professional, accurate and consistent translation service, contact Bla Translation today.

Welsh language translation –

International language translation –

Where in the world have we been?!
April 2024

Amongst the little traditions we’ve started at Bla is our ever-growing, beloved fridge magnet collection.

Once in a while, our staff like to shake off everyday stresses, let off some steam and revitalise. And what better way to do so than getting into holiday mode and jetting off into the sunset?!

The translation industry provides a satisfying career but with deadlines here, there and everywhere, it sure isn’t for the faint-hearted! Spending time on holiday with family and friends is something all of us at Bla enjoy doing during our well-deserved AL. From star-fishing on a sunbed in the med, putting our tourist hats on in a European city, or exploring our beautiful homeland, a holiday is always on the horizon.

There is only one rule – staff must bring back a fridge magnet to testify their holibobs. Our precious collection is growing with magnets from destinations including Llangollen and Latvia, Panama and Portugal, and Amsterdam and Abertawe (Swansea)!!

The general feeling by now is if there isn’t a fridge magnet then you never went!! The only question now is: where in the world shall we go next?!

“Cabin crew, prepare for landing”!

Making Connections
April 2024

Alun enjoyed an extremely interesting meeting over lunch with Sara Robertson, CEO of the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting), in Chester on Monday 15th April. As the head of the leading professional body which supports translators here in the UK and beyond, Sara was keen to learn more about Bla’s development and growth and to discuss the company’s journey from sole trader to a busy and thriving business that it is today. It also gave Alun the opportunity to gain an insight into the ITI’s ambitions and challenges within the translating sector over the next few years.

International Women's Day
March 2024

Happy International Women's Day from all at Bla!

We're very lucky to have such amazing ladies a part of our team - and what a part they play, too! In fact, 88.889% of our workforce at Bla are females! Alun is very much outnumbered!

They work tirelessly behind the scenes. Nice one, ladies!

Another team member!
March 2024

Meet Elena who recently joined our team at Bla as a Senior Translator. In the past, she has worked for the National Library of Wales and as an editor. With a rich background in Welsh affairs, Elena is bound to make a positive contribution to our company. A very warm welcome to you, Elena!

Head over to our staff page to learn more about Elena and the rest of our fantastic team!

Close up of the keys and letters on an old typewriter


Bla Translation Ltd
Town Hall
Bulkeley Square
LL77 7LR

Telephone: 01248 725730
Mobile: 07920 052818
Out of hours and weekends: 07920 052818


Bla Translation team

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